Business Planning

Our Business Planning service will motivate and inspire you into action, set and prioritise long and short-term goals and address the critical issues in your business.

The Business Planning process starts the week before the planning meeting, with a set of questions given to your key people to answer and send back. The answers will give us an understanding of your vision and core values and identify your immediate and critical issues. We will use these answers to facilitate a four-hour planning session and help you create a one-page Business Plan.

The key outcomes of the Business Planning process are that you will identify and prioritise your short and long-term goals, give you strategies to achieve your goals and establish your 90-day Action Plan.

Eliminate Procrastination in your business.


Success is about planning; we want to help you achieve success.

  • Do you have a current Business Plan?
  • Have you set realistic and measurable goals?
  • Do you have clear strategies to achieve your goals?
  • Do you regularly review your goals in regard to changing circumstances?
 Wellington business planning


If you answer yes to any of the following questions, we recommend you undertake Business Planning.

Would you like:

  • To increase the level of growth, profitability and cashflow in your business?
  • Support to unlock your business potential?
  • A clear outline of what you need to do to unlock this potential?
  • A document against which to measure your progress?
 Wellington business planning


You attend a four hour planning session facilitated by ilumin.

The key issues covered will be:

  • Discussing and setting both personal and business goals for the next 12 months
  • Discussing and agreeing on an action plan with strategies to support achievement of goals
  • Identification of Gross Revenue Targets and Key Performance Indicators
  • Identification of opportunities and vulnerabilities in your business that need to be managed
  • Establishment of a 90 Day Action Plan to address immediate critical issues

We will provide you with pre-work, which you will need to complete prior to the Business Planning session to ensure you identify any issues that need to be discussed. That way we can prepare any information required prior to the session.


Any time is a good time to make a Business Plan if you don’t have one, however it is particularly relevant at the start of a new financial year. If you are contemplating a major change in an existing business or entering a new business venture, a Business Plan is crucial. You will also be required to have a Business Plan to support any financial applications.


  • Gives you a chance to review and set the direction of the business
  • Eliminates procrastination
  • Helps you to find common goals amongst a number of Directors (if applicable)
  • Identifies and prioritises your key goals
  • Creates strategies for you to achieve your goals
  • Identifies what you will need to achieve your goals. This could be a combination of marketing, training, performance management, increased resourcing and cost cutting
  • Sets timeframes for achieving goals and therefore provides accountability
  • Provides a tool to communicate your business goals and vision with your team
  • Divides your goals into short term and long term – Quick Wins vs. Key Projects
  • Provides you with a template to review actual performance against targets
  • Provides you with a platform to develop Financial Forecasts
  • Gives you a basis for you to set team members’ individual goals / targets
 Wellington business planning


Take our quick financial quiz and we’ll tell you how you scored plus you’ll receive a FREE 15 minute phone or zoom consultation with some great insights to take away.

Quiz – Receive A Free Consultation
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1. Do you create an annual budget?
2. Have you set financial goals?
3. Do you have an action plan with a strategy to reach your financial goals and KPI’s?
4. Do you have a plan to pay off your debt?
5. Do you track your business expenses?
6. Are your savings automated?
7. Have you developed cashflow forecasts?
8. Are you measuring your cash flow?
9. Have you taken any professional advice on managing finances?
10. Would you like a free 15 minute consult with an ilumin Director?
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