As Mahatma Ghandi said, “Learn as if you were to live forever”. Being open to new learning is an essential part of building a better business. Where could you extend your knowledge? Set a target and get learning! #10Steps #BetterBusiness
Step 2 of Building a Better Business
It’s amazing what we, as humans, don’t even know that we don’t know. New learning opportunities are everywhere, and in this digital world, there’s simply no excuse to avoid new learning.
Consider how many new things a five-year-old learns each day. Children enthusiastically embrace the world of possibility and the desire to learn. Why is it that, the older we get, the more likely we are to close our minds to new learning?
We’re all busy, and sometimes we feel like we just don’t have the time to sit down and read a book. We need to make the time. Set yourself targets and share these with someone who will hold you accountable to achieving these.
Book recommendations
The team at Ilumin are always on the lookout for interesting and informative books. Below is a list of five books we have read recently and recommend.
- Start with why - Simon Sinek - "Discover the power of purpose with “Start with Why” Book. Learn how great leaders and organisations inspire action and create a lasting impact."
- Indistractable – Nir Eval - "Empowering and optimistic, "Indistractable" provides practical, novel techniques to control your time and attention – helping you live the life you really want."
- Your oxygen mask first – Kevin Lawrence - "17 Habits to Help High Achievers Survive & Thrive in Leadership & Life."
- The subtle art of not giving a f*ck - Mark Manson - "An in-your-face guide to living with integrity and finding happiness in sometimes-painful places."
- Atomic Habits - James Clear - "A revolutionary guide to using tiny changes in behaviour to transform your life."
Tips to read more
If you struggle to find time to read, set a reminder on your phone to read before bed each night. Start with reading 10 pages, then increase this each week. Mix it up with recreational books and business books. As a bonus, it will help you sleep better!
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“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” - Mahatma Gandhi